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Posts Tagged ‘Club’

My idea to start a Book Club

Posted by kdpgrahi on August 25, 2008







Clubs are generally meant for creating a group of people, always otherwise engaged having no time to make and participate in a group, but having interest to be counted in a forum of completely unknown persons tagged together. Book Clubs like wise consists of persons who never read and study seriously any particular book but veers around all the book headlines and gathers information on books only to recommend its reading to others.

I want to start a Book Club where any one who will never read or write a book can join, exchange ideas and collect information of little value. The importance of the club is to reassure its members that they still live, can prove their existence to the world, and get opportunity to feel that they are the movers and shakers. They pretend to read books, make opinions, draw conclusions and above all prove that they have a sharp brain that the uncaring world is not utilizing it. They can all the abilities of proving themselves as original thinkers that the world can go without them. That all the knowledge, wisdom the world gained so far is nothing in comparison to the sharpness of their brain.

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